Daily Fail

As well as failing at science, the Daily Mail has now failed geography.


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What planet are they on?

By ScaredAmoeba (not verified) on 01 Jan 2011 #permalink

I was going to post a comment on the Daily Mail site, but figured I'd let them be embarrassed for a while longer. Hope this trips around the blogosphere quick smart.

(I've made a copy of the page for posterity!)

You see enough rubbish from the Daily Mail - maybe this will alert more of its readers that it has no idea of anything much at all. On the other hand, people who look to the Daily Mail for facts probably wouldn't know any better.

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

It's disappointing, but no great surprise, to learn that AGW hoaxers have joined with Capricornia deniers to oppose the Daily Mail's fearless campaign to get the truth out. This is another example of the islamosocialist lizardoid Bilderberg conspiracy to (cont p94)

Happy New Year.

Clearly,things move slowly at the colonial office,and they've finally agreed to grant Capricornia territoriality. In another century or so they will grant statehood.

It's understandable why we've missed the announcement what with the floods and such.

Isn't Bob Carter from Capricornica?
I'm pretty sure he is.

By Donald Oats (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Stop denying Capricornia.

Why won't the Australian media tell the truth about Capricornia? That Al Gore has grown fat off the blood of slain Capricornians?


Well, it's kind of a natural development: first the Daily Mail has divorced from reality, and now reality has packed her bags and moved out of their flat. And if the Daily Mail doesn't stop sending threatening letters to reality, she'll get a restraining order next.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

If you zoom and enhance on the northern coast of Capricornia, near the city of Xanadu, you can just make out '*Here be monsters!*'

I'm guessing they have an Aussie staff member with a sense of humour... one who was thinking about quitting.

Hey - cylons need a place to live just as much as we do!

One of the comments on that Daily Mail article:

Jay of Manchester this flooding is not caused by non existent global warming. We are now under a strong La Nina which is part and parcel of the distinct natural weather cycles here in Queensland. Don't forget what the Aussie national anthem says about 'droughts & flooding rains'.

- Kerry, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia, 1/1/2011 10:31

None of the commenters, including Kerry from Ipswich, have noticed the brand spanking new state to their north.
Where on earth did they get that map??

Tim, someone, anyone, where did I see that someone has compiled a list of media-savvy climate scientists to refer journalists to. Do I mean the "Climate Science Rapid Response Matchmakers (CSRRT)"? They don't say they do this, but perhaps they do. Or is there another similar group.

I'm trying to (fruitlessly I know) respond to the Sunrise segment tday on climate change which mainly featured "Long range weather forecaster" Ken Ring spouting more denier untruths in a single breath than I have heard even Monckton doing. Up against him they had Nick whose name I've forgotten, who used to advise the British govt on climate change but seems not to be a climate scientist, and doesn't perform well for the media.

At the end of it the presenters sighted about how difficult it was to decide on the reality when two sets of "facts" were up against each other.

It's OK, it was the CSRRT I was thinking of. If anyone else saw the segment I'm referring to you might try adding your complaints to Channel 7 to mine.

Is there a Taurus province as well, perhaps a Scorpioan? Can i find a map of Geminian lands? As a Capricorn, am i entitled to legally immigrate to Capricornia? Inquiring minds want to know.

I perhaps should mention, given the reference above to the oft-proposed Republic of Jefferson (#4), that the infamous letter of 10,000 scientists who didn't accept global warming included signatures of every member of every family (even the grandkids) who promote the secession movement. In fact, it was their own business offices that created the misleading statement. Thus, we have a strange circular chain: Capricornia, Cascadia, Ecotopia, Republic of Jefferson, climate change denial.

re #21
Well, the original Ecotopia was more like Cascadia, but I live near the "capitol" of the modern version of Ecotopia, at least as per Nine Nations of North America and it is *not* into climate change denial :-)

Hard to tell about the short-lived Republic of Jefferson.

By John Mashey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Comments about Capricornia have cropped up on the Daily Mail site, starting 1/1/2011 8:00 (Luke, Brisbane, Australia). The intro to the article now reads: _"Last updated at 11:55 PM on 2nd January 2011"_, yet the map is unchanged. Nice.

Wouldn't Xavier Herbert be pleased?! Or not...

Tony Abbott appeared yesterday stating in awed tones that the floods are of biblical proportions. His imputation that their extraordinary sizes are a manifestation of supernatural intervention is rather off the mark: indeed, they are a consequence of the very warm La Niña waters that are presently residing directly off the eastern Australian coast.

The thing is, Tony, that global warming will be entirely conducive to future events of this magnitude and greater, and at far greater frequencies, as the oceans warm up more generally.

It's past time that this ninny lowers his Bible and picks up a textbook, as his primary reference for explaining the world.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

This was the same paper which, during an article about a renovated WW2 Motor Gun Boat, maintained that the vessel had carried "The Swiss Royal Family" during their visit to Britain.

After messaging them four times to point out that Switzerland does not have, and never had, a monarchy, they deleted the stupid reference. Without any acknowledgement, of course.

I also love the way the geographically-challenged writer has their identity concealed behind the byline "Daily Mail Reporter".

Maybe the Swiss Royal Family were meeting the President of Great Britain.

By Lars Karlsson (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

Obviously, this was just a typo. Everyone knows that the region is actually Unicornia, the place where the Unicorns go during floods of biblical proportions.

"Hard to tell about the short-lived Republic of Jefferson."

Well, back in the antebellum era, the southern Oregon portion of the Republic of Jefferson was fairly pro-slavery, the Republican faction was centered in the Willamette Valley ...

Also, it's more properly referred to as The State of Jefferson ...

Is there a Taurus province as well, perhaps a Scorpioan?

I'd say no, because there is no Tropic of Taurus, unlike, say, a Tropic of Capricorn, which is roughly the southern boarder of Australia's newest, and previously, most unknown state, even to its residents.

From Paul UK's link, here's our good friend Bob Katter on the situation:

âWeâve had a gutful of the blood-sucking establishment of the south. We have been economically massacred in the north ... itâs the tyranny of the majority being in south-east Queensland - the winner takes allââ

Letting them succeed to me wouldn't be such a bad idea, except for the fact that as a single state, they'd get 6 senators in the Federal parliament... 6 Bob Katters.
Bob Katter for premier... and treasurer... and grand mugwump... and....

Also, it's more properly referred to as The State of Jefferson

Oh yes, i have been reading too much Obergeist. I can only hope the unemployed loggers, the residual hippies (not including Alex Cochburn), and green-economy growers of the state/republic aspire to better lives and politics than their predecessors. As for Ecotopia, some of the partners in that original enterprise have moved to the Ozarks and are calling for secession of that region among the hill folk. But the Yreka moose still stands watch over the whole of the region, waiting patiently for its day to come again.

Just as long as Maroochydore remains in Queensland, i shall be happy.

Aaaaaand 24 hours later the map has disappeared from the article, with no explanation or acknowledgement. Abracadabra! They have magically not embarrassed themselves! A fine demonstration of journalistic integrity.

I wonder if it ever appeared in a print edition?

Chris C @ 30

The situation is worse than this - they'd get 12 senators, and so would rump Queensland - 24 senators from the State that gave us Mal Colston, Keith Wright (coincidentally the former federal member for Capricornia, Bill O'Chee and Vince Gair - although having an odd number of States would potentially mean referendums would be easier to pass.

Only original states have to get 12 senators, so the new state could be allocated fewer senators.

By Tim Lambert (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

Nobody here in central Queensland has a clue where the town of Watson is either (6th photo down the page). Does that mean Daily Mail journalists just make it up as they go along?

Since the State of Jefferson has piqued some small interest, I offer this:

[Welcome to Northern California,
Southern Oregon, and the Mythical State of
Jefferson; An Ethological Guide for the Informed Tourist](http://www.jeffersonfreestate.org/)

Too true. Need I add, Anthony Watts lives there?

By luminous beauty (not verified) on 04 Jan 2011 #permalink

Bernard J.:

Heh, heh.

Actually I'm sure plenty of people have also saved the original page. But a print edition would be pretty funny as well.

I wonder how many of the Daily Mail's readers are now in a state of uncorrected error about the existence of an Australian state called Capricornia?

"If you think that's funny. The Global Warming Superheroes are now trying to track down the leader of the global warming hoax"

Please, sir, me sir, I know sir. He's in Capricornia, Australia and he may be a bit wet behnind the ears.


and green-economy growers of the state/republic

Green economy? Well, the State of Jefferson *is* where most of the pot produced by CA/OR is grown ... :)

Tim @35. True enough, in fact section 121 would seem to permit an arrangement whereby the new State had no parliamentary representation whatever. In the unlikely event however that the Capricornia push got some traction, giving the new State 'second class' representation would not be a political goer.

Gopher-wood stocks will soar if these are biblical floods.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 04 Jan 2011 #permalink

I like "trying to track down the leader of the global warming hoax" too. I am reminded of the Spartacus scene where one after another of his group identify themselves as Spartacus. We could, similarly, all put up our hands - "It's me, I'm the leader of the global warming hoax" "No no, it's me, I'm the leader of the global warming hoax" "No, no, over here I'm the leader of the global warming hoax" "Hullo, looking for the leader of the global warming hoax? C'est moi" "No, no ... "

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

I''ve visited Capricornia several times and had great times there.
Every 10-20 years, some part of Northern California argues for seceding and perhaps joining with OR, WA, and B.C. perhaps to become "Cascadia."
Perhaps N.Queensland has accomplished the equivalent but didn't tell the rest of Oz?

By John Msshey (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink