Dangerous liberals in academia

Looking through my email today, I see that Reed Cartwright has forwarded yet another news article about someone or another ranting about the dangers caused by the presence of so many "liberals" in higher education. About the only surprise was the source of this round of complaints: Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who was complaining about academics in his country.

Hmmmm. I wonder if we should send D-Ho over to help him root out the most dangerous of the bunch.

On second thought, probably not. There are just some things that I wouldn't even wish on Ahmadinejad.

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Ed made the same quip the other day:

"Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular teachers from the country's universities."

In related news, David Horowitz has been named provost of Tehran U.

Mike wrote

Hmmmm. I wonder if we should send D-Ho over to help him root out the most dangerous of the bunch.

On second thought, probably not. There are just some things that I wouldn't even wish on Ahmadinejad.

I vote send him!