The word for today is "literally"

I know I'm far from the first to go off on this commercial, but...

No, commercial lady, you cannot go online and "literally take a test drive". It doesn't work that way. The tubes that connect your computer to the interwebs aren't big enough. The wheels get stuck every damn time. So stop saying that. Or at least learn to stop overacting first.

And lose the hat. It makes you look like a moron.

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That was my first reaction to this ad as well. Now it is literally stupid.

@The Ridger, You are literally correct, but it still bothers me.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It would be a lot easier to take if the woman in the commercial wasn't so completely annoying, though.

Rick Warren, the televangelist who hosted the faith forum with John McCain and Barack Obama last week, was interviewed for The Atlantic the a few days before his show. In that interview he defended invading Iraq because "Saddam and his sons were raping the country, literally." When bad guys "rap[e] the country, literally," exactly where do they insert their penises?

John McKay:
I don't generally like to defend the religious right, but Warren was using "rape" correctly and literally.

From :

4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
7. to plunder (a place); despoil .

By Braxton Thomason (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink