Recycling History - Courtesy of Tom Paxton and Arlo Guthrie

I just playing an album I haven't listened to for a while, and I was struck by a sudden and painful sense of deja vu. As it turns out, the source of the feeling is available on YouTube, so I thought I'd share.


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Everyone who, like Sean, is interested in Tom Paxton's (and Arlo Guthrie's, for that matter) thoughts on the recurrent relevance of this song, might want to take a look at the following two videos entitled "I Am Changing My Name To Fanny Mae":

Paxton's version:
(his song can be downloaded from too)

Guthrie's version:

Both versions have different lyrics, so I really encourage you to listen to both versions.

Hadn't heard Arlo's version before, and it's just as good as Tom's original. And the graphics with that You-Tube clip are great. Thanks for refreshing my memories and bringing up the current relevance.

I have that song in my iPod. It really makes me laugh now!

At one concert that I attended, Paxton referred to this as one of his "short shelf-life songs".
I wonder what he thinks about its recurrent relevance today?

By Sean McCorkle (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Thanks for the treat, Mike.

Most appropriate.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink