What proof are you?


This seems like a good thing to post on Saturday morning! Apparently I've more than made up for my sober college days. (Seriously - I learned everything on that quiz in the last 10 months. Whee!)

via Grrlscientist.


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I beat you by a point. I'm going to blame the culture of academic philosophy for my extensive knowledge of booze. Yeah, that's it.

I also got a 94%, which strikes me as funny. Very few of those listed have I ever tasted or even seen. It's just that I quickly turn to Wikipedia whenever I run into another of those things everybody else seems to know except me.

Well, at 77% I was a mere lush, but that seems only appropriate for somebody who hasn't been able to consume so much as a hard cider in the past 7 or 8 months. (I'm SURE I would have been a drunkard, too, if only I could go to bars!)

97 % "alchoholic" cause my hand slipped once ...
More bartender than drinker questions though.

Seems a good place to put some great drinking quotes and paraphrases by a classic ex-drunk songwriter:

"I'm standing on the corner of Fifth and Vermouth"
"I don't have a drinking problem except when I can't get a drink"
"Pour me a cab, I just can't drink no more."
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
"There ain't no devil, there's just God when he's drunk"