bioephemera's 2008 Classroom of Curiosity Challenge!


Today is the first day of the annual DonorsChoose Blogger challenge! As you may know, DonorsChoose is a website devoted to funding lessons dreamed up by creative (but underfunded) teachers. Everyone knows that teachers routinely spend their own time and money to create inspiring experiences for their students - and that those teachers don't get paid nearly enough to give their classes everything they need.

That's why i'm asking you, readers and friends, to help fund the bioephemera Classroom of Curiosity Challenge. Inspired by the Cabinet of Curiosities theme, the requests in my challenge come from schools with moderate to high poverty levels, where creative teachers have come up with activities that fuse science and art, build science literacy, and excite students about the world around them.

Whether you want kids to have bones or legos, to master printing presses or digital cameras, to be biologists, geologists or artists, there's a project here that you'll relate to. Please visit my giving page and donate. It takes just minutes, and any size donation is welcome. You can also use the Challenge widget I've added to my sidebar (at left).

What's with the competition thing? Well, we're competing against other blogger teams in order to motivate giving and make this more fun. Last year, ScienceBlogs' bloggers and readers contributed $72,920 towards DonorsChoose projects. The leaderboard for participating Sciencebloggers is here, and I'll post updates as it goes on.

We buy things every day - even when the economy's tanking - but we barely remember what most of those things are a year later. DonorsChoose gives you the opportunity to buy a formative memory for a child, a memory that could be a cornerstone of their education or a springboard to a new way of thinking about their world. That's so much more than mere "ephemera!"

Please consider giving - if not to my challenge, then to one of my Sciblings's challenges, or one of the many other deserving projects at DonorsChoose. Thank you!

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