EuroScience = blue jello, go-go boots, and tasers

In the interest of supplying an educational, scientific alternative to the third presidential debate, I give you this:

This video is the creation of those kooky Europeans at Marie Curie Actions, who also gave us this disturbingly throbbing website. It all has something to do with science education and careers, but I can't look away from the video long enough to tell exactly what.

If this is what an EU research career is like, I may have left science too early.

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Would Neon really be bummed about not bonding with hydrogen? I would think all of the noble gasses would be sitting alone not interested in interacting with anyone.

We dance around in my lab all the time. We have special dances for (1) cool new preliminary data, (2) paper acceptance, (3) grant funded, (4) etc.

Well, actually, I do most of the dancing, and my trainees look on in bemused horror.

(1) (2) and (3) all deserve dancing. Even horrible dancing. (Btw - horrible PI dancing is generally rendered less horrible for all involved if blue Jello shots are provided. Just an idea).

Rhett - those "noble" gases are total wet blankets at Europarties. I don't invite them to mine. Unless they're bringing Jello.