Blog-Tasting: A Fall Flight of Five


I was meme-tagged a while ago by Thomas at Medical Museion, and I never got around to responding, because I was incapacited by indecision! The meme (which originated with Arte y Pico) requires that I recommend five inspiring blogs to my readers. That's harder than it sounds - there are so many more than five inspiring blogs (just look at my growing blogroll!) and most of my favorites have a lot of fans already.

But since this is a chance to recommend some excellent non-Sb blogs, which may have fewer readers than they deserve, here are my five nominees. If you like my blog, you'll likely enjoy theirs, too.

1. The "Narcotic Farm" image above is from Somatosphere. This collaborative blog is clever, interesting, and best of all, intellectually challenging. It claims to cover "Science, Medicine, and Anthropology," but its content also encompasses philosophy, art, culture - you name it. Great essays, and more than I can possibly keep up with.

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2. Erratic Phenomena. An art-hoard of incredible depth, with wonderfully referenced and researched posts on artists like Chris Berens, Rosamond Wolff Purcell, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. . . I wish I'd written every post on this blog!


3. Coilhouse. When I discovered this "love letter to alternative culture," I almost started drooling. Not only did the first issue of the magazine feature a ten-page interview with bioephemera fave Jessica Joslin, they have a wonderfully macabre coilhouse blog featuring steampunky, lowbrow, wunderkammer-inspired eye candy. It reminds me of the late, lamented Table of Malcontents blog at Wired. Mmm, good times.


4. Pop Sensation: this themed blog combines vintage paperback covers (gems like "Too Many Girls," "To Have and To Kill," and "Carnival of Death") with MST3K-ish, snarky commentary. Think unexpurgated BookyEphemera!


5. Last but certainly never least, Morbid Anatomy - "Surveying the Interstices of Art and Medicine, Death and Culture." Morbid Anatomy is probably bioephemera's closest blogsibling, at least in spirit. It already has a lot of fans, and probably most of you know about it already - but if ANY of you don't, I can't recommend this blog highly enough.

Thanks for the nomination, Thomas! And hey, everybody - don't forget about my DonorsChoose Challenge! Two days left! :)

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Hey There!

Thanks for the vote and very kind review! It could not come from a more respected source; I am a huge fan of your blog and check it (at least) daily. I am also looking forward to checking out your other nominations, with which I am not very familiar.

Thanks again, and keep up the excellent work!