Dr. Sugarman must have been a pretty cool guy


Next week, PBA galleries in San Francisco will be auctioning rare books, prints, and ephemera from the medical library of Gerald I. Sugarman, MD. Joanna at Morbid Anatomy has distilled some of the best medical illustrations from this collection into two posts here and here. Thanks, Joanna!

This is wonderful stuff. I think Dr. Sugarman must have been an interesting character. . . the kind of guy I wish lived down the hall from me so I could borrow his books.


From "A System of Anatomy" by Samuel Collins, 1685


From "Anatomia Corporum Humanorum" by Joannem Arnoldum Langerak, 1739

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Wow. These are fantastic! I know that a lot of folks wouldn't find Dr. Sugarman such a pleasant neighbor (based on his taste in books and art), but I say "Give me some sugar!" Forgive me, I'm getting over a cold and cough.

Just for the record, rumors of Dr. Sugarman's demise are greatly exaggerated...! He's alive and well, and was on hand the day of his last book sale at PBA.

And yes, he is an interesting man, a very demanding man, and extremely picky about lending out his books--especially the morbid ones. He'd be more likely to share a glass of wine.