Win A Framed Photo From Seed Magazine's Portfolios

Colonial Intelligence 3/4 (detail)
Eshel Ben-Jacob

One of the things I love about SEED Magazine is its incredible design (and no, they are not paying me to say this - in fact, my respect for SEED was one of the reasons I moved to Scienceblogs last February!)

SEED's editors have collected the "portfolios" of beautiful science from each issue on the website, so you can browse them at your leisure. Be sure to check out Eshel Ben-Jacob's swirling bacterial colonies and Robert Hodgin's renderings of the Mandelbrot set:

Fractals Revisited 1/4
Robert Hodgin

You enter to win an image from one of six selected portfolios, including Ben-Jacob's bacterial colonies, here. Unfortunately for me, ScienceBloggers are ineligible, but you should get your vote in.

And speaking of winning art, my DonorsChoose donors, I have NOT forgotten about you - the promised painting is coming along and will hopefully be in the mail next week! (Prints may take slightly longer, as my printer is acting up. . . I'll keep you updated!)

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I like the Fractals Revisited images, and being inspired to learn more I will do some web research on the Buddhabrot when I get a moment. I've already skimmed the Wikipedia article.

Do other people see the image as I do? That is to say, as a richly-dressed sorceress queen summoning a small demon which materialises in a flash of light upon a tall, thin pedestal with a bulge on top? That interpretation leaps out at me, but I don't see a Buddha.