
It's like an episode of Mythbusters!

Adam: "Is it really true that if a windmill spins too fast, it disintegrates?"

Jamie: "Apparently, yes. Now we need to make a dummy out of A) a pig carcass or B) ballistic gel, and see what happens when he's standing under a disintegrating windmill."

From Sheril at the Intersection.

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Okay, that was really cool. I'd also say your "Mythbusters" dialogue was eerily realistic as well.

By Mike Olson (not verified) on 12 Jan 2010 #permalink

I live in Portland, Oregon. My grandmother lives in Pendleton, 200 miles to the east. To get there, my honey and I drive through the Columbia River Gorge, a beautiful stretch of land that also is home to a huge, sweeping windfarm. As we drive past the massive, towering structures I always and without fail imagine one of the blades flying off and hurtling towards our flimsy little Corolla. There would be a long surreal silence as it spun through the air on a collision course, and the there would be breaking glass, tearing metal, and dead nerds.

But yeah... I know that's a bit odd, but being so close to one of those gigantic beasts is pretty intimidating, and I can't help imagining potential disasters.

I have always assumed something like this could happen, but it's still really awesome and scary to see.

Okay, I admit, it kinda crost my mind after watching this vid. But, I didn't expect it to happen. My sons Dutch grrrl broke up with him. Between that and the Greek fisherman Rogue, I gotta ask: Are you guys witches? Wizards? What other events in my life can you symbolically devine? Gypsies maybe: look into my crystal ball.

By Kat Mandoo (not verified) on 13 Jan 2010 #permalink

wouldja like me better if i had a shoe fetish or online tourettes? how bout coincidence after coincidence year after year that illuminates the obvious which can never be acted upon: am i supposed to believe it is an act of god? should i comment upon derricks and emers and insinuations of blondie and oly? loonier and loonier indeed...but accurate as all fuck. oops online tourettes strikes agin. i be stupid infidel who don't buy 12 step to happy hunting ground. where be real science and real inquiry? does the cult of an overly grandiose stockbroker and proctologist trump all?

By Kat Mandoo (not verified) on 13 Jan 2010 #permalink