Mind the disembodied heads!


With some portraits, you can feel the eyes following you around the room. With Sophie Cave's art installation make that fifty pairs of eyes - in fifty expressions ranging from disgust to shock to delight. All suspended above you in the atrium of a Victorian museum.


photo credits: Ashley R. Good and chatirygirl. Visit kuriositas for more pictures of the installation at Kelvingrove Art Museum.

Via She Walks Softly and many others.

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How is the Kelvingrove Art Museum doing financially? It looks like they have an awful lot of overhead.

By Stevo Darkly (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

I really want to go to Glasgow someday. I daresay that it is far from the greatest art/architectural center of the world, but it really seems to be a center for shit that I like. I am especially keen on seeing House for an Art Lover designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife Margaret MacDonald.

I just really appreciate the tendency to create art museums out of Victorian and post Victorian constructions - creating this juxtaposition of modern art with Victorian architecture.

Interestingly, one of the casts in the display is of David Byrne. It's the only one that talks.