Friday Flippancy: Bill O'Reilly Dance Remix

Bill O'Reilly's meltdown thanks to a hapless teleprompter is making the rounds again; I saw it on The Colbert Report. Thanks to the wonders of technology, someone has constructed a dance remix of Bill blowing a gasket. Pant-hoot to Bill from Dover for passing this along. Word has it that he found it on the Daily Kos. It's also resides on boing boing.

Warning: Language is NSFW. Well, maybe it depends on where you work.

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This is so f^%%ing cool!

I hope O'Reilly hates it and Murdoch calls him to tell him to stop being such a complete asshat and buffoon. Yeah. We all know it was pre-Faux News. So What? Just like Goebbels, if you repeat the lie long enough and loud enough, it will become true. That O'Reilly - What a buffoon. What a total ashat.

(Did you see the vid of "The Producer" in this incident?)

Nice Paul Kaye reference Doc.

By hopper3011 (not verified) on 02 Jun 2008 #permalink