iPod iChing

Friday again? Too much.

So, mighty iPod one, let us know is there bleached life on Mars?

Whoosh goes the randomiser.

  • The Covering: Up the Junction - Squeeze
  • The Crossing: Come Back to Camden - Morrissey
  • The Crown: Run through the jungle - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • The Root: Street Corner Ambassador - Michelle Shocked
  • The Past: Touch Me - Doors
  • The Future: She - Green Day
  • The Questioner: A New England - Billy Bragg
  • The House: Savez-Vouz Planter les Choux?- Sien Diels
  • The Inside: I've Been Working on the Railroad
  • The Outcome: Jón Pönkari - Utangarðsmenn

#11 is House of Fun - Madness and #12 is Ruder Than You - The Bodysnatchers.

Hm, so the first seven songs are about sex.
The Questioner is possibly my favourite song of all time, and is a "life goes on" kinda song.
The House is too funny (cabbages indeed), and the Inside is spot on.
What do we make of the outcome - it is a classic punk anthem from the "Outsiders" - a song of everyman, a life-goes-on kinda song, with added sarcasm.


As always, the Key as explained by Sean


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