Last minute stocking stuffers for nörds

Ok, I confess, I was supposed to get these reviewed before the Holidays, but a Sequence of Unfortunate Events Intervened and I am only part way through these.

Anywho, if you need a last second pressie for random acquaintances so disposed, there are a couple of interesting science books out there:

  1. A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tunes Cosmos by Geraint Lewis and Luke Barnes, is a nice up to date book for the general (educated) public on modern physics and cosmology.
    If covers modern cosmology and some of the Big Questions of our times, in particular the issue of anthropomorphism how "fine tuned" our Universe is.
    Welshman finds QSO Welshman finds QSO
  2. Modern Prometheus: Editing the Human Genome with Crispr-Cas9 by James Kozubek is a personal history of the discovery of the CRISPR-CAS9 genes and their use, and a discussion of the implications and potential of the technology.
    It is not an easy book, it does not flow, the discussion is technical given the intended audience and the narrative digresses frequently with often convoluted discussion.
    But the topic is interesting and the coverage is comprehensive.
  3. Mapping the Heavens: The Radical Scientific Ideas That Reveal the Cosmos by Priyamvada Natarajan.
    Ok, I haven't read this one, don't have a copy.
    But, I've heard very good things about it.
    A big picture of current research in cosmology, aimed at the educated general reader, covering a range of topics but focusing on the search for dark matter, if what I am told is true.
    I'd like to read it, so I'm sure you ought to also.

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