
oh dear


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Oh dear oh dear oh dear, just take a look at Citizendium's article on Global Warming (though I have cheated slightly; the current version, while still rubbish, is marginally better). The question is, what to do about it? At the moment my answer is "nothing" - Cz is not going to get taken seriously…
This is a follow-up to the Christmas day quote - the Terry Pratchett take on the same question: "Susan," said Twyla, from somewhere under the blankets. "Yes?" "You know last week we wrote letters to the Hogfather?" "Yes?" "Only . . . in the park Rachel says he doesn't exist and it's your father…
Via Baron von Monckhofen an interesting video, though I think it has been doing the rounds for a while now. [Update: While I'm on the silly people, there is a nice takedown of the Jonny Ball nonsense by Deltoid. Which features the familiar elements: ridiculous claims which fall apart under the…
A photographic essay. Hive #2, "flattop", with a smoker on top and surrounded by a carpet of weeds. The bees don't really mind that, I think. The observant will notice the roof is in rather poor condition - but its been like that for years and not getting much worse - and the queen excluder is…