Reagan is going home

USS Reagan is headed home

Pulled into Pearl Harbour this week.
The Y Ranter calls non-war this new moon

Alex at FoE tells us what you need to bomb Iran

Counting is a very powerful approach to reality.

New moon is April 17th, the US Air Force's main advantage against a foe like Iran is stealth.
Best time to strike is late night/early morning.
So, all things being equal, the few days right after new moon are their time - otherwise those expensive stealth planes risk being silhouetted against a waning moon.

To do the sort of strike that is being bandied about, requires serious assembly of aircraft carriers, and if the Reagan had stayed out west at the same time the Nimitz headed out while Stennis and EIsenhower are there, it would have been curious.
Good to know the Reagan is headed back, and I hope the EIsenhower heads home later this month also. Both need a good long rest in port.


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