More interesting planets

High mass planets around metal poor red dwarfs, may put small crack in big theory

New planets just put up on - from JJ of the California-Carnegie-AAT group. These were mentioned at Santorini, but I don't think I talked specifically about them at the time, not sure if I failed to note the detailed parameters or because they were just "talked about" rather than formally announced. Outer planet solution does not seem to have fully converged yet, but if I recall the discussion something about a Jupiter mass must be out there - it may move a little bit as more data comes in.

GJ317b and GJ371c

M3 red dwarf main eequence star (about 1/4 solar mass) about 10pc away.
Slightly sub-solar metallicty (-0.23).

Masses are 1.2 and 0.8 M_J/sin(i) - and orbital periods are 673 and 2700 days, with eccentricities of ~ 0.2 and 0.4 respectively. Parameters for outer planet are tentative, obviously.

Hm. Bit of a theory buster - high mass planets in wide orbits around a low mass metal poor star...
modulo selections effects, this is hard to arrange.
A few more like this and we'll need to revisit some details in the assumptions of the theory. Again.


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