Osama bin Laden hates Björk

and apparently he is afraid of Geysir...

As I reported, Iceland withdrew its Iraq contingent, Major Herdís Sigurgrímsdóttir earlier this month.

Rock in Reykjavík

America's leading Real News show will be covering this end of an era in detail, having just finished shooting in depth interviews with relevant parties on location.
Expect an in depth report in about two weeks, from a late night cable show near you.
(ok, I take pity on you, here is an english language article)

Geysir - the one, the original

Herdís says goodbye

Interestingly her name roughly transliterated is: War-Maiden, Daughter of the Mask-of-Victory.

She is a 26 year old journalist by training and mountain climber and she is back home.

PS: no, I don't know which night Jason's interview for the Daily Show is scheduled.
You will just have to watch it every night.

Oh my, she is from Eyrarbakki - those poor people...

PPS: checking the Icelandic blog reactions - apparently a large plurality of my cousins does not get the Daily Show interview style... or a lot of the more conservative Icelanders have no sense of humour... go figure.
The Icelandic news video snippet plays Jason as straight news - which I am reading as very dry humour, since tDS can be seen on cable in Iceland. Apparently there will be more detailed news in the evening news. Heh.

Those were the days...


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