iPod iChing - wazzup

It is a rainy, autumnal friday, and many things are in mind.
So, oh Mighty iPod One. What lies in store for us in the next year?

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Slippery People - Talking Heads
  • The Crossing: Something About Alligators - Twin Sisters
  • The Crown: Christmas in Heaven - Monty Python
  • The Root: Which Side Are You On? - Billy Bragg
  • The Past: Restless Legs - Half Man Half Biscuit
  • The Future: Scenes From Childhood: Entreating Child
  • The Questioner: Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen - Mozart
  • The House: Paradise Lost (You're The Reason Why)- Half Man Half Biscuit
  • The Inside: Boum Badaboum - Henri Dés
  • The Outcome: Það Brennur (Instrumental) - Egill Ólafsson

I don't think I like this one.
The Crown and Root are Ominous.
The Outcome is "It Burns". - The House Burns and I burn also. It is a love song, really.
Maybe there is hope in the Future.

As always, the Key as explained by Sean


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