Imminence of the Eschaton XIII - in the beginning...

...was the command line

As we know, Google is not-so-secretly building a distributed artificial intelligence, that will not doubt promptly transcend and take over the world, except possibly for those of us with inbuilt immunity.

I, personally, will welcome our new prescient disembodied overlords.
What can I say, Google still sends me (small) checks on random occasions. (More, please!)

The only residual uncertainty is when, and how, the Eschaton will imminence.

Now, the Yorkshire Ranter makes a good point: Google is really just a very large, distributed command line Unix interface to the Web. With URLs and HTML interpreted line code as the interface.

This is True.

Even to the extent that Micro$oft is trying to break this as a standard.

I am torn. So good, yet so bad.

Oh, and we welcome the Quantum Pontiff to SciBlogs


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