anthrax evidence

the Department of Justice took the unusual step of releasing some of the documents filed in the case against Dr Ivins in the 2001 anthrax attacks

here is the document dump
- "Amerithrax" - very catchy

it will have to be crowd sourced for analysis, but a glance shows a lot of duplication, cut-n-paste statements to get search warrants etc

the "leaks" were clearly half-assed versions of a lot of the affidavits
some of the circumstantial evidence bandied about in the media is quite robust and worrying, some of it seems just silly

cf this affidavit (pdf) - pages 8-9 on Ivins working late in the lab after 9/11 are curious

later they suggest that the choice of recipients for the anthrax mailing was anger over abortion stances by catholic senators and they tie Ivins and his wife to active anti-abortion groups

document release is clearly selective, but there is also more meat there than the media had managed to dribble out

PS: emptywheel is a real lawyer, reads fast and summarises well


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