KITP: in which we reach a conclusion or two

the Kavli Institute program on Dynamics and Evolution of Globular Clusters is reaching the end, and we highlight the important issues...

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest

Key topics:

      Stellar Content
    • Present Day Mass Functions, M/L
    • Intermediate Mass Black Holes
    • Blue Stragglers
    • Binary Fraction
    • Planets
    • Multiple Populations: not just Δ Y
      Funny IMF or Funny dynamics.
      AGB or rapidly rotating high mass stars?
    • LMXBs, BHs, CVs
    • Milky Way Catalog
    • Models: King, Wilson etc
    • Surface Brightness Profile
    • Core Collapse, Post-Core Collapse
    • Canonical: M4 vs NGC 6397
    • rc/rh
      Dynamical Evolution
    • Models of Individual Clusters
    • Models with more and new physics:
      • binaries (primordial)
      • WD kicks
      • multiple populations
      • primordial mass segregation
      • gas expulsion
      • RJ -> mass loss rate
    • Initial Conditions
      • Subclumped or smooth
      • Overflowing or deep within truncation
      Cluster Systems
    • GCMF: power-law or log-normal
    • Kinematics
    • Blue Tilts
      • Software vs Hardware
      • GPU
      • MUSE

    Crowd goes wild as the Globs program reaches the End.
    Look for the wildeyed postdoc in the crowd trying to explain the importance of binary-binary interactions to a passing string theorist...

    Love the stellar simulation at 4.02m - looks like SPH!


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