linkedy links vi

swine 'flu epidemic
passing ship
creation of oil
and other defining moments

all right, serious shit link edition:

Effect Measure is all over the swine 'flu outbreak in SoCal and Mexico
Revere is not prone to panic:

PPS: Saturday Night Weird Story Edition
- Read it and ponder.

Unusual 'flu cases in SoCal...

The CDC heads-up advisory the CDC has swine 'flu on its front page now, but has gone to normal "steady on chaps" mode

Swine 'flu store evolving

Oh crap! Many cases in Mexico City with multiple fatalities

Swine 'flu update

Another update from Revere

End of the day wrap up by Revere

Swine Flu While We Wait: Revere
- WHO is supposed to make an announcement saturday afternoon, probably going to Pandemic Level 4 which can trigger travel advisories or recalls and some medium level action by WHO people

CDC Saturday press briefing - Revere

Saturday Swine Flu wrap up - Revere

Tara is now also on it

CDC Morbidity Report expected later today.
Travel adivsory for Mexico, but no restrictions, yet.
Sounds like 20-50 deomgraphic is hit hard by this one. Kids and older folks coming off better, so far.
Inconsistent symptoms between US and Mexico cases.
Not known, obviously, how many mild or asymptomatic cases have been overlooked.
Important to know to understand mortality rates.

This is something to keep a close eye on folks.
Most of these things fizzle, but once or twice per century we get a nasty, nasty pandemic and it is the one you don't expect that gets you.

If this spread to any significant effect there is also a danger of serious nativist backlash, already seeing some in the blogosphere

Recombinomics noticed and takes alarm

Google map of cases from Henry

'flu wiki forum

flutrackers - they're usually relatively good source of rapid updates and info

Google Flu Map for US - interesting to see if this shows secular trends

PS: Mexico is not just closing schools, they are cancelling soccer matches - WHO is reportedly considering upping pandemic alert level to 5.

I don't like living in interesting times.

Look! Pretty cool pictures!

So, like, dude, where DID all that oil come from. Heh heh heh!

Paul. You were right. - I confess, I actually believed for a finite duration, and said publicly, that the US government must have had actual real and reliable intelligence on Iraq being up to something in 2002 +/- 1 --- because I couldn't believe actual grown ups in positions of resonsibility would be as stupid, venal and evil as they appeared to be.
I was wrong.

More like this

A new strain of swine flu has been confirmed in 18 deaths in Mexico, and is suspected as the cause of another 63 deaths (for a total of 81) and 1,324 illnesses. Yesterday, 5,289 people showed up at health centers in Mexico's Federal District (which includes Mexico City) with respiratory symptoms.…
Two recent sources of information, a conference call for clinicians and a just concluded media conference call held by CDC Acting Director Richard Besser. Clinician call: An emergency conference call for the Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) was announced just hours ago on the…
so, three swine flu cases in Oxnard, and half-dozen in a kids' camp near San Lois Obispo, it will be here by the weekend but it is ok, according ot the LA Times it is going to be mild... so, what do the numbers tell us so far well, it would be nice to know wtf is going on in Mexico... but, the…
This swine flu business is moving fast now, with confirmed or reported cases popping up everywhere and the first reported death outside Mexico -- a 23-month-old child in Texas -- reported this morning. As Effect Measure notes Some of the fear [generated in the U.S. by this deat] will be lessened by…