What is Investment Banking most like?

Is it like standing unarmed in front of a column of tanks?
Or is it more like following someone blindly off a cliff into a pool whose depth you do not know?

Iceland knows.

Kaupþing was the largest of the Icelandic Investment Banks.
It grew by 500% in years, on paper at least.

They were inspired.
By the Spruce Goose, apparently.
Though I have to admit, the use of The Agent from the Matrix as a metaphor has some accuracy, despite the apparent lack of irony.

The Space Science/Cure Cancer metaphors are cute. Inaccurate, but cute.

Hoocoodanode it'd all come to a bad end.

I don't think the people (damn, I hope my cousin wasn't involved...) who put the internal team spirit video together thought about what "Where the Streets Have No Name" is about: that you could identify a person's religion and income group based on just what street or even part of the street they lived...

"The city's a flood, and our love turns to rust.
We're beaten and blown by the wind
Trampled in dust."

Actually I had forgotten how the video ended - maybe it was intended irony...

THIS, on the other hand, is fucking brilliant:

And, yes, the irony here is deliberate.
Absolutely inspired.

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