Finally a reason to own a TV

i-185bb846f85d9df47349aa00e43d0c3c-attack.jpgI see that PZ already mentioned this yesterday, but I think it's worthy of a bump. I hardly ever watch TV (despite owning a big screen) but tonight I will, for the outspoken comedian George Carlin will sit along side the rather scary Ann Coulter on Leno. This should be good.

Coulter, the acid-tongued conservative with a new book out, and Carlin, the quick-witted, antiestablishment comedian who's in the voice cast for the new animated film "Cars," were booked at separate times for the NBC late-nighter, a spokeswoman said Monday.

But the duo's meeting could produce serious fireworks for "Tonight," which usually limits its political fodder to Leno's bipartisan monologue jokes (by the AP, via the Washington Post)

Ann Coulter scares me. She makes me want to hide behind Martha Stewart for protection. My husband used to think she was hot. I think he had the feeling that some guys get when they want to break a wild horse (like with a bit and blinders.) Then he managed to see her speak, live. He came back, as pale as a ghost, absolutely horrified. "She's evil!" he said. It was all I could do to nod and comfort him. Poor guy.

Now, if there is anyone who can face Ann Coulter without losing their lunch, it'd have to be George Carlin. I can't wait.

Image of a quick-witted cheetah taking down a foolishly slow antelope via Painet.

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