Friday Fractal XXIII

i-564cb0555ffdd87864a0fff858a6bcfd-mffwhole.jpg Hidden deep within the layers of the Mandelbrot set, subtle, yet familiar forms can almost leap out at you. This happened to me as I applied the coloring formula (based on Gaussian integers) to this week's fractal. I was merely looking for a pattern that was somewhat spotty. I ended up with this:


Originally, I was trying to mimic this...

...The spotted back of this Vietnamese moss frog, which I admired last weekend at the Denver Zoo:


A Vietnemese Moss Frog (Theloderma corticale)

The moss frog, with a gift for camouflage, can be found along streams high in the mountains of Vietnam, wallowing in small, water-filled caves and niches. Although they don't live in trees, or resemble common tree frogs, they belong to the "Old-world tree frog" family, Rhacophoridae. I found this fact somewhat amusing, as I looked at today's fractal, for in the background, tree frogs seemed to be lurking everywhere.

You might think I'm seeing things, but I'll let you judge for yourself. Take a look at the following piece of the fractal (found near the upper left corner), and compare it with this farmland tree frog (Rhacophorus arvalis), a cousin of T. corticale, which dwells among the bamboo forests and farms of Taiwan:


It's rather eerie, if you ask me. Cute, sure, but definitely eerie.

Image of the farmland tree frog via the Taiwan Native Amphibous World. All other images were created by the author, fractals made by the author using ChaosPro.

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