Friday Fractal LVII: Satin Sun

This fractal is rather basic; it is simply a coloring formula called "Chips are Us". I’m not sure exactly what that means--perhaps that we, like computer chips, can generate complex patterns--but I really liked what it did. After playing with the variables, I tried a number of color themes. For some reason, it looks best in black and white:


A Satin Sun

The pattern reminded me of both a sunflower and rippling fabric, hence the name. Other forms seem to lurk around the edges of this fractal blossom, besides petals and folds. What ever those may be is left to the reader’s interperetation.

Fractal by the author using ChaosPro.


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Karmen, it looks like the end papers you find on old books. If you can generate up one that looks really cool in colour, can I have it for my book? [If the publishers let me do coloured endpapers, that is.]

Sure, John, that would be fine. You'll have to let me know which sort of colors will work. Now that I look at it, I see what you mean about the old endpages. No wonder I used to always like looking at those... I thought it was just an excuse to extend storytime!

It is strange and beautiful.

My brain keeps on trying to add colours, mostly pastel shades at the blue end.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 25 Aug 2007 #permalink