A Quiet Return

I may study it, but sometimes chaos and uncertainty become too much to bear. I didn’t explain my absence in the last announcement, and this may not explain much more. Last week, my father had an operation to remove a tumor in his kidney. The surgery was intensive, but successful. We’re grateful that he was in the hands of excellent surgeons. I’m afraid I was holding my breath inside and my emotions back for so long, to let them out is something of an overwhelming release. All of the stress from school and work combined couldn’t equal the apprehension I felt then, nor could any words truly express the feelings of gratitude and relief I’ve felt since. To say the least, it has been rather difficult to write.

It hasn’t been as easy to jump back into my work as I would have hoped, so I’m going to ease my way back with a few scenic images. In part, this is for my own comfort, as well. In such times of uncertainty and distress, it can be difficult to see all the good things in life, yet they are still there. It is like they say... when you can’t see the forest through the trees:


The Boulder Flatirons, as seen from Chautauqua Park

Thanks to those of you who sent me your well wishes over the past few weeks, even if you didn’t know what was going on.

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Sorry to be slow in sending well wishes.

Welcome back to the chaotic and illusory world of electronic bits. I hope everything improves for your father and your family.