Greetings from the summer intern

Hello Cognitive Daily readers!

As you may have already read, I have been hired by Dave and Greta as the Cognitive Daily summer intern while they're away on vacation for the next couple of months, so I thought I'd give a brief introduction. My name is Aaron Couch and I am a junior student at Davidson College in North Carolina, majoring in both Psychology and Economics. I have been a long time reader of the blog (off and on for the last three years), was part of Greta's "Psychology Goes to the Movies" seminar this past semester, and she's also my major advisor. I am staying in the town of Davidson this summer working with the College's technology department while I blog-sit.

My role with Cognitive Daily is to do general site maintenance and make sure posts that we have prepared will go up as planned. The blog will be a little slower than normal over the next month and a half, but we will be posting many articles prepared by some of Greta's top student writers over the last semester. (Look forward to one from me in the next couple of days.) We will also be revisiting some of the "greatest hits" articles from the blog's history. Hopefully, Dave and Greta will chime in every now and then with updates from their travels and the interesting things they encounter along the way. (You can read more vacation updates at Dave's blog.)

I'm really looking forward to helping out with the blog; feel free to contact me using the link at the top of the page.

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Hey, sounds like a great gig! Enjoy your time. Davidson College in NC? You guys are about to get a new librarian, I went to the college she used to work for. Be warned, she has a great sense of humor but really enjoys throwing out troublemakers. Enjoy your internship!