The On Line Response to the Democratic Primary Debate

Here, without comment, is a handful of screen grabs showing the results (at the time I grabbed them, Wed AM) of several on line polls asking who won last night's Democratic Party presidential debate in Las Vegas.

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Note: For most polls, I needed to vote first to see the results. I voted alternately for Sanders and Clinton in doing so.

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FD: I didn't watch the debate.

It's striking that Webb does much better among people who vote in the online polls of national news sites (NR, MSNBC, Time) than people who vote in the online polls of local news sites. I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean, but it is curious.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

Yes, good point. Generally, his numbers seem to vary the most. Like there is some internal patterning to it all. Caused by something.

Ms Clinton has spent many millions of dollars more than Mr Sanders. I personally find Ms Clinton intellectually and morally and ethically repugnant, and I would like everyone on the planet to know I do. Hee.

The youtube videos her campaign produced are beyond merely insulting to people's intelligence; they are designed to sway four-year-olds, and are designed to provoke emotional responses instead of intellectual ones.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

I think Bernie won, largely for his upholding, and partial description of, “democratic socialism.”

Hillary probably ran a close second, largely for all the applause she garnered for her email and Benghazi scandals.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

they are designed to sway four-year-olds, and are designed to provoke emotional responses instead of intellectual ones.

You have just summed up political advertising as we now know it.

Except, sn, scandal doesn't really fit, unless you are talking about the tiny mind of folks like you.
There are plenty of reasons to dislike her: the fact that you and others are pushing reasons that have no basis in reality simply reflects your laziness.

"... largely for all the applause she garnered for her email and Benghazi scandals."

Okay, I give up: what email and Benghazi scandals?

By Desertphile (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

Me: “I think Bernie won, largely for his upholding, and partial description of, “democratic socialism.” Hillary probably ran a close second, largely for all the applause she garnered for her email and Benghazi scandals.”

Desertphile: “Okay, I give up: what email and Benghazi scandals?”

Sorry. I forgot there are no such things as “scandals” in the Dem party. Allow me a word substitution:

Hillary probably ran a close second, largely for all the applause she garnered for her email and Benghazi *issues*.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

"Desertphile: “Okay, I give up: what email and Benghazi scandals?” Sorry. I forgot there are no such things as “scandals” in the Dem party. Allow me a word substitution:"

You mentioned two scandals connected to Ms Clinton. What "what email and Benghazi scandals?" Have you any evidence that there is any scandal connected to Ms Clinton?

By Desertphile (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by See Noevo (not verified)

sn, if you can't summarize why you believe what you claim are scandals actually are scandals, why should anyone believe your assertion?

Is it really that difficult for you to deal with facts?

"sn, if you can’t summarize why you believe what you claim are scandals actually are scandals, why should anyone believe your assertion?"

I would *LOVE* to see evidence that Ms Clinton is connected to scandals: I would work to get her ass kicked out of the presidential campaign, and put in prison.

So, "SN:" what email and Benghazi scandals?" Please step forward with evidence of a scandal. Thank you in advance.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by dean (not verified)

Two more things in the top two’s favor:

-Few, if any, of Bernie’s supporters know or will know much about the country he said the U.S. should be more like – Denmark:…

-Hillary will get another high-profile chance to dismiss the email & Benghazi scand.. er, issues, in front of the Trey Gowdy-led House Committee on October 22.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

Clearly, Sanders is the favorite among people who were interested in the debate and like to vote in Internet polls.

I wonder how this compares to voters as a whole.

By Young CC Prof (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

I am interested in the debate(s), have not voted in any internet polls, and support Bernie.

Please step forward with evidence of a scandal.

I'm sure he has reams of it in his gun safe - resting on the proof he has that President Obama is not a citizen but a "Moooslem" liberal communist plant.

I have a feeling his "proof" for the scandals will be as long in coming as the "proof" a fellow faculty member has for why same sex marriage in Michigan has rendered existing marriages worthless has been.

"I have a feeling his “proof” for the scandals will be as long in coming as the “proof” a fellow faculty member has for why same sex marriage in Michigan has rendered existing marriages worthless has been."

Yeah, now that all marriages are null and void and meaningless, the country will be filled with bastards. Oh.... wait.... that happened already.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 15 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by dean (not verified)

Another thing Hillary has going for her – “flexibility”.
She’s evolved on marriage since this in 2004:

And maybe on gun control since this in 2008:
“You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl…Some people now continue to teach their children and their grandchildren. It’s part of culture. It’s part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it’s an important part of who they are, not because they are bitter.”

By See Noevo (not verified) on 14 Oct 2015 #permalink

I submitted three other comments on Wednesday and they still haven’t been posted.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 15 Oct 2015 #permalink

"I submitted three other comments on Wednesday and they still haven’t been posted."

Oh, is that were your evidence for " email and Benghazi scandals" went? The evil scientist cabal censored it?

By Desertphile (not verified) on 15 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by See Noevo (not verified)

Oh, is that were your evidence for ” email and Benghazi scandals” went? The evil scientist cabal censored it?

Or were they full of links and so held in moderation as happens to everyone? Why am I reminded of a snotty toddler stomping a foot when an appropriate gift does not immediately appear during potty training?

(Of course there is no intended comparison, implied or otherwise, between the typical sn post and the typical result of a toddler's trip to the potty. None at all. Nope. Not even considered.


(Of course there is no intended comparison, implied or otherwise, between the typical sn post and the typical result of a toddler’s trip to the potty. None at all. Nope. Not even considered.


Of course not. Fortunately most toddler's can't read because if they did reading SN's shit nonsense would send them rushing to the toilet.

By Douglas Alder (not verified) on 15 Oct 2015 #permalink

"Perhaps the email scandal....."

We're still waiting for your evidence of that. Ah... what seems to be the hold-up on that?

By Desertphile (not verified) on 17 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by See Noevo (not verified)

"For those who are perplexed about my referring to the Hillary email situation as a scandal...."

Heh! The Republican Party's claim is that Ms Clinton violated a law that didn't exist at the time. Hilarious!

There is no evidence Ms. Clinton, or her staff, committed any "email scandal."

Are you also upset about the Bush2 Email Scandal? You know: when Bush2 deleted almost 22,000,000 emails to prevent them from being given to the Department of Justice? How upset are you about that? Or is it okay when homicidal fascists do it?

By Desertphile (not verified) on 18 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by See Noevo (not verified)

There is a very good the resident idiot @25 has not read the times article, since

a) In the past he has never read an article he has referenced
b) The New York Times is not as sleazy as Breitbart, his favorite hangout
c) The Times' writers tend to use words with more than one syllable, and past performance has shown that that complexity has been beyond the ability of sn to grasp

In any case, there is nothing in that article to hint that the investigation will approach the president: it centers on the fact that some former FBI agents are upset about his comments, and states that some current agents could be as well.

As mentioned late in the article, agents were equally upset when (then) President Bush stated that he believed DeLay was innocent of the charges against him - for the same reason: injecting political language into an ongoing investigation.

Is anyone surprised that sn has grossly misrepresented an article, presenting what is, in essence, another lie? Anyone? Bueller?

The Republican Party’s claim is that Ms Clinton violated a law that didn’t exist at the time

Clearly she used a time machine to go back just far enough to avoid the law.

It's probably the same one used to plant President Obama's fake birth certificate and false birth announcements in Hawaii's government and newspapers.

"Clearly she used a time machine to go back just far enough to avoid the law.

It’s probably the same one used to plant President Obama’s fake birth certificate and false birth announcements in Hawaii’s government and newspapers."

Maybe the same time machine also moved Hawai'i out of Kenya and in to the Pacific.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 19 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by dean (not verified)

From the ultra-liberal Huffington Post:

“Therefore, below are 10 questions that need to be addressed before America puts this latest email controversy to rest. Once these questions are answered, the email saga will end.”…

And note that the above doesn’t even cover questions about specifics such as Benghazi, Sidney Blumenthal, Cheryl Mills, the Clinton Foundation.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 18 Oct 2015 #permalink

"From the ultra-liberal Huffington Post: “Therefore, below are 10 questions that need to be addressed ...."

They publish only that which is observed to be true, therefore they are liberal?

One email from Ms Clinton's email server shows a crime has been committed:…

By Desertphile (not verified) on 19 Oct 2015 #permalink

In reply to by See Noevo (not verified)

You know the rationale: "They may be homicidal fascists, but at least they're our homicidal fascists!"

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 18 Oct 2015 #permalink

A very revealing segment from today’s Benghazi hearing (11 minutes):

[A link to the NR? I don't think so. People can go watch the 11 hours of hearings and find out their own interesting 11 minutes on their own.]

By See Noevo (not verified) on 22 Oct 2015 #permalink

Where’s my post containing the quote from the State Department’s summary and the Youtube video from the hearing?
I submitted the post about 24 hours ago.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 24 Oct 2015 #permalink