Resources on Open Access in Canada

For various reasons, I've been collecting some resources around open access, open data and scientific and technological innovation in Canada. Since they might be more broadly useful that to just me, I thought I'd share them.

Of course, this list is incomplete. I've most likely left out whole swaths of stuff out there, both in terms of organizations and relevant posts and articles as well as institutional OA mandates and author funds I may have missed. Please feel free to suggest items in the comments.

One thing in particular I would like to add in a future iteration is a list of library/university-based OA journal publication programs. Feel free to add yours in the comments!

The HLWiki Open Access set of pages is here. There were very useful in compiling my lists below. The Open Access Directory is also a good general source.

The UNESCO Global Open Access Portal page on Canada is here.

Government of Canada (General)


Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council


Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council


Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Tri-Agency Draft Open Access Policy & Consultations: NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR


Canadian Association for Research Libraries


Canadian Research Knowledge Network


Canadian Library Association


Federation for the Humanities & Social Sciences


Canadian Association of Learned Journals


Institutional Open Access Policies & Mandates (likely incomplete)


Institutional Open Access Author Funds/Institutional Memberships (likely incomplete)


Institutional & Disciplinary Repositories (likely incomplete)


Open Data


Innovation/R&D Funding in Canada


Science-Related Documents - Other Political Parties (NDP, Liberals, Greens)


Science-Related Documents - 2011 Federal Election


Selected various statements, blog posts, journal articles, etc.


Relevant International Documents/Mandates/Policies/etc. (very incomplete)


Please consider this post CC0. To the extent possible under law, I am waiving all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this post, Resources on Open Access in Canada. This work is published from Canada.


Update 2013.07.01: Added about 20 new items, including some miscellaneous articles, some OA policies and others. A new section for Canadian Association of Learned Journals also added. Most new items are courtesy of the Open Access Tracking Project. Thanks for Peter Suber for suggesting in the comments. Happy Canada Day!
Update 2013.07.03. Added section with International links & resources. Thanks to LSW for so many wonderful suggestions. Also added a few miscellaneous items.

Update 2013.11.06. Added several new items, including report on Industrial R&D in Canada and the Paradox Lost report on research strengths & innovation weaknesses.


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