Question! What is really happening at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans libraries?

I have an article up at today about the library closure situation at Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

When closures happen, the librarians and staff work very hard to minimize the impact on their community, especially to make sure valuable collections are not lost and that research support services are maintained.

This is where the DFO situation takes a downward turn.

Apparently, this careful process to keep irreplaceable material was not, at all, what happened at the DFO libraries that are being closed. Instead, chaos and confusion seemed to reign.

Check it out over here! You can also check out my chronology of the DFO libraries story.

Finally many thanks to Kaitlin McNabb for offering me this opportunity and for her very valuable editorial suggestions which made the article much better. I'll have the full text posted here in a week or so.

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By Elva Simundsson (not verified) on 27 Jan 2014 #permalink