Toliet Paper Expert

The Detroit Free Press has a brief href="">article
on a book, href="">Wierd
, by Linda Godfrey.  One choice

Bill Jarrett, 81, of Wyoming, a self-described
authority on toilet paper who's out to solve a great debate: Should the
loose end of a toilet paper roll hang next to the wall or away from it?
Check out his Web site, href="">,
to learn
how you can get a ballot and a toilet paper magnet for $5.


The author mentions that she used to think that Wisconsin
was the wierdest state.  She adds,

"These stories that people are telling one another
around campfires or at parties, these are our local emerging folklore,"
says Godfrey. "It needs to be written down and treasured for future

I'm sure we will treasure this in future generations.


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The right way to hang the paper depends on the home. If one has cats or small children the paper should hang down next to the wall, that way rolling down the front will rewind the roll. It is more convenient however for adults to have the roll the other way, so you don't have to chase down the end.

My humble opinion....

By Eric Juve (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

There is no right way. Using toilet paper is gross.
I, and other civilized people, use a hard jet of water from the convenient hose attached to the toilet.

Bloody Vikings.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink