Worthwhile and/or Interesting Medical Sites

Just for kicks, in case anyone cares, and is not already familiar with
these sites, here are a few that I use:

class="inset" alt=""
align="left" border="0" height="39" width="140">
is a great site.  I had to provide
some medical license information, so I don't think it is available to
everyone.  That is annoying, but I understand why they do
that.  The site provides free access to resources such as Harrison's
, Mosby's Drug Consult, etc.
 I assume the pay for that access, and I also assume that they
would have to pay a lot more if they opened it up to everyone.

They also have a link to the online href="http://www.merck.com/pubs/">Merck Manuals,
but they are already openly available.  The collection
consists of four online, searchable textbooks.  The most
famous is the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy,
which is a reasonably compact, reasonably complete medical textbook.
 They also have the Merck Manual - Home Edition,
which is one of the more authoritative consumer-oriented health texts.

They also provide full-text access to >150 medical journals and


class="inset" alt=""
align="left" border="0" height="60" width="150">

is a publisher of open-access biomedical
journals.  Some seem rather obscure to me, such as 
Fluid Research, but others have a wider appeal.  I
occasionally browse these journals just to keep myself updated, or to
find things to blog about.

alt="" src="http://www.docguide.com/gpimgs/main/channel_MB.gif"
align="left" border="0" height="62" width="120">
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
is basically a news aggregator
that pulls in articles from a variety of sources, plus some CME
programs.  You can register, then customize you own page with
the feeds that are of greatest interest to you.  Sometimes the
robots pick incorrectly, such as when it included href="http://www.docguide.com/gpc.nsf/doc?CreateDocument&n=95&id=D1EAEEEF3084016E852568E4005747A9&t=10-28-32;PM&l=PE&u=/news/content.nsf/PaperFrameSet?OpenForm&refid=2&id=D1EAEEEF3084016E852568E4005747A9&newsid=852571020057CCF685257214002A80B7&u=GOTO//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=17063412&ref=/dgc.nsf/us/Joseph.Yaroch.74?OpenDocument">Unexpected
hemodynamic depression after induction of anaesthesia - (Anasthesiol
Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther)
in the channel
for Depression.  The robots pick up a lot of case reports,
which are a good way to refresh your knowledge base and exercise your
clinical thinking skills.  

Medicines in Development
is on online database of
pharmaceuticals currently in some stage of development.  I
like to browse through it from time to time, in order to keep up on
what is in the pipeline.  


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