Yet Another Book Meme.  I found this one at Yet Another Ann
Arbor Blog, named Bloug.

16, 2006: Fie on Louisa May Alcott, Roald Dahl, Cormac McCarthy, and
all their ilk...

Now that's a weird list! These are authors of books that, according to href="http://www.librarything.com/">LibraryThing's
new "UnSuggester"
service, are least like Information Architecture for the World Wide
. UnSuggester looks at co-occurrence (or, in
this case, lack thereof) in LibraryThing
members' collections; sadly, Green Eggs and Ham, currently an Iris
favorite, is #18 on the list...

What UnSuggester does is to start with the title of a book, B,
then search through the online database of user libraries, and see
which books are least likely to coexist in a user library with B.

So let's try it with some books authored by some ScienceBloggers:

for href="http://www.librarything.com/work/40796">The Republican
war on science
by href="http://www.librarything.com/author/mooneychris">Chris
Mooney [The

members (10,132 more popular); 2 reviews; average rating 3.9 stars.
Members with the book have have a total of 56,792 books in their
libraries (see
good suggestions

  1. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/9036">Confessions
    by Saint, Bishop of Hippo Augustine ( class="sd">expected 10.6, found 0; href="http://www.librarything.com/unsuggester/9036">unsuggestions)
  2. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/2953">The Five People
    You Meet in Heaven
    by Mitch Albom class="copies"> (expected 9.4,
    found 0;
  3. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/1507">Rebecca
    by Daphne Du Maurier ( class="sd">expected 7.9, found 0; href="http://www.librarything.com/unsuggester/1507">unsuggestions)
  4. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/2314">About a Boy
    by Nick Hornby (expected
    10.8, found 1;
  5. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/4926">The Great
    by C. S. Lewis
    (expected 7.2, found 0; href="http://www.librarything.com/unsuggester/4926">unsuggestions)

So if someone has RWOS in their library, the one
book that is least likely to also be in their library is Confessions.

Let's try again:

for href="http://www.librarything.com/work/31173">Parasite rex :
inside the bizarre world of nature's most dangerous creatures

by Carl

members (12,340 more popular); average rating 4.23 stars. Members with
the book have have a total of 44,433 books in their libraries ( href="http://www.librarything.com/suggester/31173">see good

  1. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/3202">Little Women
    by Louisa May Alcott ( class="sd">expected 14.6, found 0; href="http://www.librarything.com/unsuggester/3202">unsuggestions)
  2. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/4652">The Joy Luck
    by Amy Tan ( class="sd">expected 9.2, found 0; href="http://www.librarything.com/unsuggester/4652">unsuggestions)
  3. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/10108">Middlemarch
    by George Eliot (expected
    8.1, found 0;
  4. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/10284">The Devil
    Wears Prada
    by Lauren Weisberger class="copies"> (expected 7.3,
    found 0;
  5. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/4436">Mythology
    by Edith Hamilton (expected
    7.3, found 0;

So, Parasite is unlikely to coexist with Little
.  And what about my personal favorite book?

for href="http://www.librarything.com/work/2184">Candide, or,
by href="http://www.librarything.com/author/voltaire">Voltaire

members (151 more popular); 11 reviews; average rating 3.93 stars.
Members with the book have have a total of 1,021,769 books in their
libraries (see
good suggestions

  1. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/65679">Dark Lover : a
    novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
    by J.R. Ward class="copies"> (expected
    16.6, found 0;
  2. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/59241">The Emerging
    Church : vintage Christianity for new generations

    by Dan Kimball (expected
    16.6, found 0;
  3. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/54996">The Last Word
    And the Word After That : a tale of faith, doubt, and a new kind of
    by Brian D. McLaren class="copies"> (expected 16,
    found 0;
  4. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/1570947">The 8th
    Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
    by Stephen
    R. Covey (expected
    15.6, found 0;
  5. href="http://www.librarything.com/work/59595">The New
    Interpreter's Bible : general articles & introduction,
    commentary, & reflections for each book
    Abingdon Press (expected
    21.5, found 1;

So Candide is unlikely to consort with Dark Lover.  Not
surprisingly, people with religious books are unlikely to read
Voltaire.  Similarly, those who appreciate sarcasm and
intractable pessimism are not likely to be those who are trying to
transcend Effectiveness, and achieve Greatness.


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