Pfizer Inside Joke

It's not
really funny
, but...


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HT: Mitten

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I first saw those shirts in Kalamazoo, circa 2003. I'm not surprised that they've had to be updated.

I'm also still wondering how it is that a corporation's stock goes up when they destroy their own means of innovation. Maybe I really should have taken econ in college. Yow.

Oh, the economics of it is simple. The most productive employees are the ones that are most highly compensated. That would be the top executives. So you just fire everyone else, leaving only the most productive employees, and the company ought to become more profitable.

It looks real nice next to the loserbowl shirt. Seriously, have michigan fans given up all hope of rosebowl success yet?

I thought the juxtaposition was a nice touch.

Seriously, watching the Rose Bowl always serves one well, when preparing for the Lions' next season. Remembering the Rose Bowl, watching the Lions is not as agonizing.

Sometime in the recent past (well within living memory) the stock market became completely disassociated from the real world in any sense, except of course for those who lose their jobs over it.

As Harvey Cox remarked:

Like one of the devouring gods of old, The Market -- aptly embodied in a bull or bear -- must be fed and kept happy under all circumstances. That The Market is not at all displeased by downsizing or a growing income gap, or can be gleeful about the expansion of cigarette sales to Asian young people, should not cause anyone to question its ultimate omniscience. Like Calvin's inscrutable deity, The Market may work in mysterious ways, 'hid from our eyes', but ultimately it knows best.

The Dow Jones average has nothing to say to the vast majority of Americans - and that includes many who, sadly, think it does.

Saw those at Adrian's about a week ago, and I had a similar oh-that's-funny-but-I-wouldn't-wear-it reaction. I'd rather get the Obama T-shirt right beside it in the window there :)

I'm trying to find out if Dr Drew Pinsky's been fired. Has anyone head from him?