Yet Another Shrubism

It recognition of the lifetime achievements of href="">Molly
Ivins, I propose that the term " href="">Bushism" be replaced with
"Shrubism."  But I'm not the decider when it comes to the
popularity of colloquialisms. 

That aside, Shrubisms rarely make me laugh any more, because they are
so commonplace.  But href="">this
one gave me a chuckle:

Bush, making the media rounds in a State of the Union
follow-up, also lamented the nastiness of the nation's capital. "And
there is distrust in Washington," he told NPR's Juan Williams on
Monday. "I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists
in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to
elevate it."

(I'm sorry there is so much, so I will work to increase it.)


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That's ok, even on the local level the distrust felt by our elected representatives is astounding. They should feel scared for one.

E.G. in Rhode Island they recently sentenced former state senator John Celona to 30 months in prison for his role in passing legislation to benefit CVS and Roger Williams Hospital , both of which were paying Celona a hefty sum.

The upshot of that conviction though is that Celona sang like a canary. They are now saying that seven politicians and seven companies are under investigation for corruption and influence peddling.

My guess is that the seven politicians are members of the leadership in both houses, and they'll sing too. About time - these are federal level cases. Rhode Island could well be the first state to wipe out the corporate influence over the political sphere.