Reuters Health Information, via Medscape (free registration rquired):
href="">Jeb Bush
Joins Board of Tenet Healthcare
CHICAGO (Reuters) Apr 12 - Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, brother of
U.S. President George W. Bush, will join the board of Tenet Healthcare
Corp., the biggest publicly traded hospital company said on Thursday.
The move to appoint Bush, 54, comes as Dallas-based Tenet continues its
struggle to recover from a slew of scandals and lawsuits. Last year, it
settled with the U.S. Department of Justice for $900 million over
allegations that it had bilked the Medicare insurance program for the
elderly. Earlier this month it settled a securities probe over fraud
Government lawsuits and several legal actions related to quality of
care caused doctors to flee the company's hospitals, which has led to
sinking patient admissions.
"Tenet is clearly trying to improve its reputation and overall
governance, and went after a marque name," said Howard Sherman, chief
executive of GovernanceMetrics...
And this is going to improve their reputation? A washed-up
politician, who rigged an election, and who knows nothing about health
care, is going to help? They should have gotten Patrick
Fitzgerald, or Eliot Spitzer, or maybe Eliot Ness...
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But that's how boards of directors work: they're full of "formers" (former executives, former politicians, whatever), and there's no general requirement that they know anything at all about the business the company is in. Most boards just look for a few clueful members, and the rest are just there to expand the network — the primary requirement for being on a board of directors appears to be that you be on other boards of directors.
My guess is that Jeb's expected to bring in some sweet Floridian cash. Not to mention that the Bush family is still pretty powerful, what with a president and all.
or the Loch Ness monster...
Jeb Bush has a history of bailing out his friends who rob medicare or he give Cuban terrorist american citizenship. His brother gave away all the money at a savings and loan to his friends who gave him a job; but the millions of dollars was never found. Jeb Bush's only solution to his new company corporate scandel of mismanagement is to blame the government for everything; its all of those poor people his brother keeps creating that use his hospital; and the Islamic terrorist have not killed enough people, who need to drum up some business for his company to price gouge the american people. The company was not allowed to practice free trade. Their constitutional rights were violated when the US government caught them stealing from the Medicare system which by law free money for corporate america. Their civil rights to be on corporate welfare was taken away by a proactive judicial system, who were persecuting them for defending their civil rights to practice their religion to extract all the money they can from their patients. Bush will argue their states right were violated when they were forced to pay back all that money to mediare; money they had stolen fair and square! Its niot right! Its un-american to hold corporations to a higher standard. I am sure Jeb Bush will make sure all of those illegals, who have come from all over the world, who have run up the taxpayers bill will make sure they get paid! Finally, Bush will have a brother to brother talk in their god like manner will decide that the $800 million dollars fine was to excessive by the government and his new employer. Bush will commute the sentence and force the justice department to pay all of that money back! What Jeb Bush has done in the past to solve this problems. He allowed the america taxpayers to save the butts of his friends. I guess that means that all the non-wealthy in america is a slush fund for all the bail outs in corporate america who are a friend of the Bush family! It is corporate socialism for the rich and cold blooded capitalism for the poor who have to depend on trickle down economics before they get paid! America has to bribe the rich to make a contribution to this nation. Surly, they are not going to join the military to die for Bush's war on terrorism. They have all ran to Washington to have medals put on their chest for the many paper cuts they have recieved in the battles that toy soldiers fight in the bloodied steets of Congress. That butt kissing can be a dangerous business. Our soldiers can only be thankful to GOD they only have terrorist to deal with!