"Sunset" to War Authorization?

Two US senators, href="http://byrd.senate.gov/newsroom/news_may/byrd_clinton_call_for_ending_2002_iraq_resolution.html">Robert
Byrd and one other, are suggesting now that Congress try a href="http://blog.washingtonpost.com/capitol-briefing/?hpid=news-col-blogs">different
approach for ending the war in Iraq.  That would
entail legislation that would end the authorization to the use of
military force.  It would cause the original AUMF to "sunset"
in October of this year.  A White House spokesperson, href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Perino" rel="tag">
Dana Perino,
href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/03/AR2007050301683.html">said "Here
we go again. The Senate is trying another way to
put a surrender date on the calendar. Welcome to politics '08-style."

In fact, a number of Republicans, including  href="http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/w000154/"
target="">Sen. John Warner, R-Va., have proposed
the same thing.  Plus, 2008 is still seven months away.
 Nobody knows yet what "08-style" politics will look like,
other than to say that it won't be pretty.

For some odd reason, some persons ( href="http://noquarter.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/05/sen_clinton_see.html">1,
are attributing this proposal most prominently to Sen. Clinton.
 Others ( href="http://fromtheleft.wordpress.com/2007/05/03/sens-clinton-byrd-to-introduce-legislation-to-deauthorize-iraq-war/">1,
mention both Byrd and Clinton in their titles.

I am not too concerned with whose idea it is, or whose legislation it
is, so long as Congress finds a way to restore the appropriate balance
of power, end the war, and get our Country back on track with things
that will really make us safer and improve our lives.


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HR2605 is new and is set up to get broad support for a sunset. It is free of baggage. It is sponsored by twelve Democrats and Republicans.