Record High/Lows

used to read computer magazines a lot.  I would chuckle when I
picked up a copy of PC Magazine, or whatever, and it had, it large red
type: XXX releases the Fastest Desktop Ever!!!
 Next month someone else would be making the Fastest
Laptop Ever!!!

What, you think they are going to start making them slower?


job rating hits record
in NBC/WSJ poll

Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:51PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's approval
rating has dropped to 29 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal
poll released on Wednesday, his lowest mark ever in that survey, which
also found only 23 percent approved of the job Congress was doing...

Does anyone think his poll numbers are going to go up?


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I suppose it could happen. His popularity tends to track very closely with the price of gasoline. If gas gets down to $2.00 a gallon, his popularity could recover nicely. I just don't think that will happen.

Note that congress -- with a slim Democrat majority in the house - seems to have performed similarly (I'd say worse, except that I don't think the difference between 23 and 29 percent is significant in what is to some extent an apples to oranges comparison) in the same poll.

This is perhaps due to the Democrat's failure to hold their ground on the Iraq idiocy.