Free Evolution Tract

From href="">ChristiaNet.
 They think it is clever, I guess.


This is the first in a series of Free Evolution Tracts that can be sent
as e-cards.  What does it mean?  Are they declaring
war on Christmas?


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Well atheists compare belief in God with belief in Santa, as a rhetorical point. It's the usual fundamentalists' strategy of lampooning beliefs other than your own...

...except that God and Santa have the exact same amount of evidence going for them.

"Rhetorical point", my hind quarter.

By Aureola Nominee (not verified) on 17 Jun 2007 #permalink

The creators probably think that was brilliant.

Have they forgotten Christians created Santa Claus as a way of bribing children into thinking Jebus had anything to do with the age-old pagan Yule festival?

Christians created the Easter Bunny as a way of bribing children into thinking Jebus had anything to do with the age-old pagan Easter festival. (Easter, goddess of the dawn, goddess of spring?)

Christians created Halloween (as All Hallows Eve, the nightly precursor to All Souls Day) as a way of bribing children into thinking the dead minions of the Roman Catholic god had anything to do with the age-old pagan Samhain festival.

So in making fun of Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, or the Great Pumpkin, they are making fun of their own deviousness.

Stupid gets.

It's Elgar I feel sorry for.

Aureola Nominee is wrong: there is much more evidence for Santa Claus than for God. When I was young, gifts used to appear overnight from Santa, what more evidence could I need? Sadly, when I lost my faith in Santa, he stopped his gift-bringing.

On the other hand, God's only impact on my life was repetitive boredom from droning reverends in draughty churches and school assemblies.

Santa lived up to the promises of faith; God simply never turned up. As the lovely Linda Smith once said: "if God had wanted us to believe in him, I can't help think he would have made it easier for us by existing". (I quote from memory, I'm sure it was more felicitously phrased than that.)

By Sam the Centipede (not verified) on 17 Jun 2007 #permalink