Slam Their Fist Down on the Table

Pentagon needs to crack down on KBR and other contractors, said Dorgan,
head of the Democratic Policy Committee. "It requires a change in
mind-set at the Pentagon, for them to slam their fist down on the table
and say, 'We're not going to put up with this anymore.' "

What got US Sen. rel="tag">Byron Dorgan so upset?  Perhaps
it was the fact the KBR continues to steal money from the American
people.  Or at least they try.  According to USA

Iraq contract rife with errors

By Matt Kelley, USA TODAY

Government auditors discovered something odd last year when they
reviewed KBR Inc.'s annual cost estimate to provide support services
for U.S. troops in Iraq. The contractor proposed charging $110 million
for housing, food, water, laundry and other services on bases that had
been shut down...

The errors occurred because KBR developed the proposal under a tight
schedule, said company spokeswoman Heather Browne...

I would be on a tight schedule too, if I was expecting to get $110
million dollars for work I hadn't done.


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$110 million? A drop in the bucket. I'm sure KBR figured no one would ever notice.

It's like when I switched long-distance carriers years ago. My local bill was still AT&T (back then), and the first one that came in after I switched had a $7 charge for whatever they were calling their plan. No calls, but the plan. So I wrote them reminding them that I was now (then) an MCI customer. Next bill - the charge remained. I called them and the supervisor attempted to claim that they thought I still wanted to be in their plan "in case I called on AT&T in the future."

Ha. They just figured I wouldn't even notice the charge. KBR was doing the same thing.