What Is This World Coming To?

general, the Corpus Callosum celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit.
 This may be the best example of Yankee ingenuity I've ever


being a family-oriented site, it would be too risqué for me
to show the photo uncropped.  Plus, my mother reads this

So the full monty is below the fold...


The href="http://markmaynard.com/index.php/2007/07/29/24_hour_panty_people#comments">Artist's
post is here; the newspaper article href="http://www.mlive.com/annarbor/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-4/1185692833237380.xml&coll=2">here;
the online Ypsipanty
store is here
.  They have a special price, two for


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