Bush Immaturity on Parade

is the face the USA presents to the rest of the world:

Insults BBC Political Editor at Press Conference

By E&P Staff

Published: August 01, 2007 10:50 AM ET

NEW YORK At a recent press conference at Camp David,
President George
Bush insulted BBC political editor Nick Robinson, the Daily Mirror

Robinson, who has asked Bush pointed questions in the past such as
whetherthe president was “in denial” over the Iraq
posed a question to Bush about whether he could trust visiting British
Prime Minister Gordon Brown not to “cut and run”
from Iraq.

Bush replied with a dismissal: “Are you still hanging

Later on, Bush poked fun at the bare-pate of Robinson, joking,
“You’d better cover up your bald head,
it’s getting
hot out.”

The respected British reporter shot back, “I didn’t
know you cared.”

Bush responded with a cool, “I don’t.”
The Mirror
reports that Bush then “snorted disdainfully” and
“walked away to laughter.”

Elitist.  Arrogant.  Narcissism.

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The President of the United States is a little prick.

Is this for real? Robinson goes out of his way to plumb new depths of irrelevant, snide, 'I'm a smartarse and you're an idiot' sarcasm. If anyone deserves a contemptous dismissal, it's him. DON'T assume from the BBC's general reputation that it produces intelligent political analysis. Their news coverage is a joke.

By Jonathan Vause (not verified) on 01 Aug 2007 #permalink

British reporters in general are more blunt with their subjects than American reporters, who seem to prefer a more ingratiating approach. See eg Jeremy Paxman's interview with Ann Coulter (must be on Youtube somewhere).

Open: "Ann Coulter, your publisher sent us the first chapter of your book. Does it get any better?"

By andythebrit (not verified) on 01 Aug 2007 #permalink