Bush's Arrogance and Stupidity Are Astonishingly Shameful

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Bush has no empathy or consideration for anyone, which means that the troops, the gallant men and women of this nation's military, are stuck in a losing war with no end in sight. This is shameful. The fact that Bush can change this situation, but won't, demonstrates his shocking arrogance and stupidity and disregard for the lives of mainstream Americans.

Bush is steadfastly resisting Congress's timetable for a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

"I'm disappointed that the Democratic leadership has chosen this course," Bush complained.

Bush is missing the point in a rather dramatic way, by insisting that Congress is only wishing to score political points at his expense .. as if the troops have no meaning beyond the sacrifice they are being forced to make -- a sacrifice that will mean nothing at all, except as political capital for Bush.

"They chose to make a political statement," he whined. "That's their right but it is wrong for our troops and it's wrong for our country. To accept the bill proposed by the Democratic leadership would be to accept a policy that directly contradicts the judgment of our military commanders."

Despite Bush's temper tantrums, Congress will go ahead and approve this bill anyway, in the hopes that Bush will suddenly come to his senses, although his past behavior is not promising (Bush apparently killed most of his brain cells during his er, "youth," which was filled with drug and alcohol abuse).

Cited story.


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While I understand you were trying to be funny, your last comment is pretty offensive to the many, many people who manage to use drugs and alcohol safely and responsibly without killing thousands of people. Please don't insinuate that everyone who uses drugs has judgment as poor as that of our illustrious commander in chief.

Yeah he sucks alright, but I have a clear conscience because I voted for Gore the first time and Kerry the second time. For those who voted for this dim wit, you deserve what you get. I hope your kids have to go to Iraq because you're too stupid to figure out GB or tricky Dick

By Ken Pasco (not verified) on 24 Apr 2007 #permalink

Anna - what part of "drug and alchohol abuse" do you equate with "us[ing] drugs and alchohol safely and responsibly"?

And Ken - sheesh. I don't hope anybody's kid is put in harm's way because their parents are idiots. I hope the parents have to go.