Don't Do This!

this near the top of things you don't want to do to yourself.
  This woman developed fever and abdominal pain, but did not
disclose to her physician what she had done.  That was her
second mistake.

face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">i-fd81b42afd4635c346d95deecbadd578-abdominal mass.gif

The oval darkish thing near the top of the CAT scan (marked by arrow)
is not supposed to be there.  That white round thing in the
photo on the right is not supposed to be there.  It looks like
a caseating granuloma, but is rather large for that...


was performed, obviously.  It was discovered that she had
inserted a plastic bag of cocaine into her vagina.  

She was lucky, it a way.  The bag became encapsulated in a
cyst.  If it had leaked out, it probably would have killed her.


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How did the bag of cocaine migrate through the vaginal wall into her abdomen? Would she have had to caused trauma to her vaginal wall for this migration to happen?


Jeb, what source are you looking for? The link goes to the New England Journal of Medicine which appears to be the primary source on this case.

How do you know it was her mistake? Maybe someone else placed a bag of cocain in her vagina.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

I think Tegumai may be on to something. Or, maybe she was born with it. Maybe her mother had it in her uterus, and she developed around it.

I'm totally kidding. That would be weird, know, having a bag of cocaine as a twin.