Bhut Jolokia Update

align="left" height="344" width="238"> face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">I had not seen this when
I first posted about the href=""
rel="tag">bhut jolokia -- the world's hottest
chile pepper.  There is a woman, Annindita Tamuly, in India
who can eat 60 of them in two minutes.  And she smiles while
doing it ( href="">video).
 There is also a 17-month-old child, href="">Jayanta
Lahan, who eats them with no problem.

HT: href="">Mesilla

Chile Seeds
(PDF catalog)


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By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 12 Aug 2007 #permalink

I figured that it had to be something like that. The video shows her rubbing cut-open peppers on her eyes. That would be just plain impossible if she could feel it at all.

Yes the rest of us would no doubt, have fallen on the floor screaming about our impending blindness. I didn't expect that part at all.