
When I was in junior high, I used to do this.  I
don't know
why.  Probably I was bored with something that is inherently
boring.  It does not spice things up very much.  But
some spice is better than none.


article shows 15 idiosyncratic ways to ties one's shoelaces.
 I did not do all 15, but I did do several.  The Loop
Back was my favorite.

HT: href="">TipNut.

Most of the tips on TipNut are practical.  This one is not.
 Even so, it is nice to know that someone, somewhere, is
catching up to my trend-setting ways.  

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Actually, you may be pleased to know that I have discovered a practical use for the Loop Back.

I used to get annoyed at the way the tongue in my sneakers would gradually slide way over to the side. Running the laces through that little loop on the tongue does no good if you use the standard lacing technique. However, using a Loop Back to trap the tongue loop in the center completely eliminates the problem.

OK, sure, it's a very marginal practical use, but we're talking shoe laces here.