Google Map of H1N1 Swine Flu

Just a few quick interesting links:


Google Map of H1N1 Swine Flu Cases

(HT: href="">Clinical
Cases and Images - Blog)

Google Flu Trends

We've found that certain search terms are good indicators
of flu activity. Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data
to estimate flu activity in your state up to two weeks faster than
traditional flu surveillance systems.

Veratect Swine Flu Twitter feed

Best of luck to all.

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I'd take the reports on this map with a grain of salt. It reports 'confirmed' swine flu in NZ. We only have confirmed Influenza A at this point, no confirmation on whether or not we have the new strain. That will come from testing in Melbourne within the next day or two.

By Matty Smith (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink

wow the swine flue could kill us all but it will not

By (not verified) on 27 Apr 2009 #permalink

hi the swine flue probly wont kill anyone in oregon or waashing ton. its the dumb asses that traveld to mexico and brought the swine flue back to use ass holes fuck them

By Wutang clan (not verified) on 27 Apr 2009 #permalink